New Site, New Post

Jul 12, 2013 @ 2:26pm

Welcome to my blog, if you find anything broken at all, or even just ugly please comment below and I'll try to fix it.

I started this site long ago, and finally got it up, so now I can start posting the ongoing details of what I'm doing, specifically the RC Submarine that I've been building for the last 6 months or so. I've had a few people comment that I should post some progress online. For now that is what this site is for.

I should eventually get some time to add search for this site, but right now google should do fine.


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Sep 6, 2021 @ 3:33pm
Hello - I have built an RC submarine (USS Skipjack 1/72 scale) and interfaced a BS2 to control lighting and a few other functions. I am highly interested in using a Raspberry Pi 4 B connected to a 2.4GHZ Spektrum RC radio (DSMX) to control servos and run autonomous if PW from the transmitter is lost - or to run a pre-programmed routine if selected and then PW is lost. 2.4GHX does not penetrate water so having the ability in an RC submarine to run some mission profiles submerged would be cool - maybe some data-logging as well... The 2.4GHZ would also allow telemetry and FPV. Please shoot me an email - thank you! Mike (